Δευτέρα 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

An Introjucer .desktop file for gnome.

An excellent class library for C++ VST development is Julian Storer's JUCE. It can produce plugins in the VST (2.x, 3.x), RTAS, AAX and  AU formats  and is cross platform across Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.

The best way to program in Juce is through Juce's own Project Management tool Introjucer which relies under `../extras/Introjucer' when cloning JUCE from its GitHub repository.

After installing it by running make in `../extras/Introjucer/builds/Linux' and sudo install Introjucer /usr/local/bin (or your desired installation path) you can copy `../extras/Introjucer/Source/BinaryData/juce_icon.png' to your `~/.icons' directory and then put the following .desktop file into your  `~/.local/share/applications' folder:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=JUCE's project-management tool and secret weapon.
and then you can easily run Introjucer from your gnome-shell.